Author: Sam Ward

Episode 12 – Engaging the Masses (Part 2) – Changing the Culture

The second part of a multi-episode series on engaging the masses in sustainability and climate change. This time Sam talks on changing the culture!

How does the culture change? How do ideas spread out through the culture? How do we create an environment where people, businesses and politicians are pulled towards environmental action?

Discussions around these points and more in this episode. Stand by for Part 3 on powerful empathy.

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Episode 11 – Engaging the Masses (Part 1) – Fuelling the Fire

Sam shares his thoughts on engaging the masses with sustainability in the first of a multi – episode series on the topic.

Geared specifically at helping people communicate their work, and how

This episode explains how Sam came to the topic, where he draws the ideas from and sets the foundation for action as the motivation to act.

More coming soon, the next episode Sam really get’s into the thick of the strategy for changing the culture and engaging people in your ideas on climate change and sustainability.


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Episode 10 – Pangolins, Monkeys and an Insect Armageddon

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A collection of images, bringing a visual aspect to accompany the audio of this episode can be seen below.

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For the email list mentioned in the podcast, to get some (very intermittent!) updates about the trees and bees project and other initiatives associated with Climate Change Unfolding:

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A link to Bubugo Conservation Trust, Jenny Farmer’s (and partner Charlie Langan’s) community initiative running the trees and bees project:

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Feel free to ask a question, send some feedback or connect with Sam:
@SamJamesWard on twitter

Onto the collection of images:

First, people said their goodbyes, and then we had to rip the buildings apart and remove any salvageable materials off the island.
Next the deforestation and destruction of the natural habitat. It was pretty chaotic at this stage… the shot here is after deforestation and partial clearing of the wood so is perhaps clearer than it was initially, imagine trying to locate, catch and save wildlife in the thick undergrowth on right of shot and you have an idea of the challenge at hand.
Another panoramic, this time from the top of the hill on the main island a month or two after the clearing, just before the flooding began. Some grass and vegetation has already started to recover. Large areas of scorched earth showed location of enormous charcoal fires. Ruins of the buildings, only what had no reuse value was left. For those that knew it, the starkness and emptiness of it all without the trees is perhaps the most striking. The bush middle right of shot is where we ultimately found the mother and daughter monkey (and huge forest cobra!) during the last rescue.
Written on the inside of the Hairy Lemon bar, right until the very last day I saw the water level half way up the top line…
“Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
Your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny”
Mahatma Ghandi
These three were some of the first creatures to be captured in the main rescue mission. They look scared, and understandably so, but they ultimately ended up a lot better off for being captured, soon after they were released to start a new life somewhere else.
A wide range of species and sizes of snakes were captured, not without risk to the capturers, this work was reserved exclusively for the professional snake handlers… the snake in shot is a forest cobra and you wouldn’t want to get bitten by this guy!
This adolescent monkey had a large cut near his eye, probably from the tree cutting which is obviously dangerous and disruptive for the animals. He was treated with good veterinary care, thanks to donated funds, and released as soon as he was sufficiently healed to continue hopefully a long and happy life.
The incredible tree pangolin! A rarely seen sight, especially this close up. Tikki Hywood Foundation were amazing during the whole rescue mission, they contributed significant funds, expertise and also credit for this and a few of the other pictures in this collection.
It wasn’t just the bigger animals that benefit, some of the little guys got a ride to freedom too!
Tree pangolin number two! Rolling into a perfect circle is a defence mechanisms of the tree pangolins, exposing only it’s hard scales to the outside.
The flooding begins. Here is me saying a final goodbye to what is left of my house. So many memories.
Half way through flooding, the final kayak based rescue begins, first lap of the island, floating over the low lying areas, some of the buildings and high ground in shot.
Looking from upstream at the half flooded Hairy Lemon island. The remaining wildlife condensed.
A few hundred insects take things into their own hands and find a rescue raft, clinging to this stick, hoping to be carried to safety.
Time to release the monkeys!
The second kayak rescue team group shot at the tail end of a long, emotional and bizarre days ‘work’.
Community members of the local village discussing locations and plans for the trees and bees project.
Volunteer Katie Zeno answering questions and finalising plans for the community aspect of the trees and bees.
A part of the degraded riverbank set for reforestation as part of the trees and bees project. We’re waiting on rainy season arriving before getting going on the planting.
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Episode 9 – Rescue and Riverbanks, an interview with Jenny Farmer

Devastation on the Hairy Lemon Island 

The trees are being chopped on the tropical paradise island archipelago that used to have my home on, and the monkeys, pangolins and other animals are in trouble!
Jenny Farmer, PHD, researcher and all round legend weighs in to offer Sam solutions to river bank reforestation issues, and it’s time for Sam to get involved…

We need your help, check out the just giving page to help conserve the riverbanks on the Nile, and save the animals on the Hairy Lemon.

A bit more about Jenny:
Bubugo Conservation Trust
Bubugo Conservation hashtag #BubugoConservation

Escape to the wild trailer:

Connect with Jenny Farmer on Twitter: @jfarmerug
or through Bubugo Conservation Trust

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Episode 8 – Lemon Magic

Sam’s about to lose his house, and one of his favourite places on earth as they get flooded in the enormous Isimba Hydropower reservoir… listen in as he shares his thoughts from the last days of a slice of tropical paradise.

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Episode 7 – Single Use Plastic, Not fantastic

Sam talks on the subject of single use plastic… the astounding quantity we produce, and how he’s gone about cutting it out of his businesses operations.

Sam would love to hear your feedback! Drop him an email on or connect on twitter @SamJamesWard

Climate Change Unfolding Community Section

Story of a Spoon:

Zero Waste Podcast by Laura Nash:

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Episode 6 – Green Tourism Summit Africa

Listen in to how host Sam Ward heads off on a last minute mission to get involved with the The Green Tourism Summit Africa, and hear a few of the speakers as they share some soundbites of wisdom!

Here are some of the folks mentioned in the episode and the links to their respective websites and social media platforms:


Twitter: @GonaJudy

LinkedIn:  Judy Gona on linked in

Judy’s company Sustainable tourism and travel Agenda:

Instagram: @STTAkenya

STTA on LinkedIn  STTA on linked IN


If you want to get in touch with Barry contact him directly via email:
EQ – Specialised Hospitality and Tourism Consultancy website:


You can connect with Harriet on twitter @HandsofHope14 or check out the social platforms and websites of the initiatives that Harriet is involved with:

Red Rocks Rwanda on Facebook

Acts of Hope Rwanda on Facebook

Red Rocks Rwanda on instagram

Red Rocks Rwanda on instagram

Acts of hope Rwanda on Instagram


If you want to read or hear more from Carmen, you can connect 

Twitter: @CarmenNibigira

Horwath HTL’s website: 

Horwath HTL on Facebook

Horwath HTL on LinkedIN


Twitter: @LetsGoSafari

Instagram: @uniglobeletsgotravel 

Uniglobe Lets Go Travel on facebook


Lets go travel sustainability page and full 2017 CSR Report here 


Connect with Bernard on linked in:

Doctor Bernard Kithera on LinkedIN

Or via his personal email:

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Episode 5 – Leading the way – An interview with Bill Farmer

An interview with Uganda Carbon Bureau founder Bill Farmer. Twenty years of living in Uganda, how he ended up working in the low carbon sector, innovating, creating and ultimately leading the way for climate change movement in Uganda.

Any thoughts, comments, ideas and critique are welcome! Drop me an email on or find me on twitter: @SamJamesWard.

Links for some things discussed in the episode: Uganda Carbon Bureau homepage:

The greenhouse gas protocol

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Episode 3 – How to Work out the Carbon Footprint of a Business?

The journey begins… and there seemed no better place to start than working out what I’m currently responsible for emitting. This episode lays out how I went about working out the carbon footprint of my three businesses, and throws a few lessons that I learnt along the way in the mix. This episode would have saved me a hell of a lot more time whilst doing my carbon audit than it would have taken to listen to it!

I hope you enjoy. Drop me an email on or connect on twitter @SamJamesWard if you have any suggestions, comments or critique!

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Here are some links discussed in the podcast:

Uganda Carbon Bureau

Green house gas calculation tools:

The Carbon Trust:

Type in your country, and click on the secondary tab to work out the emissions using the cost of a category of items, rather than a per item emission:

The flight calculator recommended by the greenhouse Gas protocol, which presumably then has a very good level of legitimacy: 

Note on that is that this flight calculator comes in at a lower Carbon emissions than a lot of flight calculators online so if you want to be double sure you’ve got it covered, use the climate care calculator which comes in on the higher side:

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