Climate Change Unfolding is a podcast that follows host Sam Ward, and his guests as issues of climate change, conservation and sustainability unfold in their lives and of course, in the world around them.
You will also hear amazing human stories of the individuals on the front line of solving environmental problems, as Sam learns from them, he’ll share their insights so you can too.
As Sam goes through the process of changing the organisations he runs, and his own personal life to be more climate friendly, he shares tools, tips and resources that help make that process easier for a listener keen to do the same.
You can listen to the episodes here on this website, or on all major podcast apps. If you like the podcast, please tell anyone you know, anyway you can.

About the Host
Sam Ward now dedicates much of his waking hours doing everything he can to avert the biodiversity and climate crisis, both in East Africa and in his country of origin, the UK.
“We can’t save everything, but we’ll save a lot more than if we don’t try”
His early career was orientated around the outdoors, especially the magical world of whitewater kayaking. Ultimately Sam ended up coaching the British national team to over 30 medals at international competitions, and competing himself at international level for a number of years.
During this time Sam travelled and worked in a wide range of countries, set up and developed a number of businesses, originating with his first company, Love it Live it (www.loveitliveit.co.uk). Later Sam bought a Uganda based kayak school (www.kayakthenile.com) and Nile SUP (www.NileSUP.com), another company orientated around getting people out into nature. The collection of companies now puts thousands of people on the water each year and operates in 5 continents. The companies are leaders in environment and sustainability, carbon negative, almost entirely single use plastic free and channel significant funds and resources each year into community conservation projects.
Alongside these companies Sam has spent years involved in a series of social enterprises, environmental initiatives, charities, community events and environmental advocacy campaigns.
Reflecting Sam’s increasing concern about both social and environmental injustices, a number of years ago Sam stepped back from direct responsibility in many of his businesses, and has put environmental action front and centre in his work and personal life. Sam is now working as a campaign manager for Climate Cymru, and a sustainability consultant and program manager for environmental and conservation projects with a focus on the intersection between environmental and social benefit in subsaharan Africa. Sam is overseeing a number of pilots testing promising climate solutions that also bring economic and health benefits to surrounding communities. Sam is a director of the biodiversity alliance, a charity focused on biodiversity and habitat protection in Uganda, and has recently stepped back from a project managing a major association that represents community interests in the establishment of a controversial 3000 hectare world bank biodiversity offset in Uganda.
Whenever he can find the time, Sam dusts off his microphone and talks on the latest thing that’s got him excited in the environmental sphere. Sam would love for you to listen in to the podcast, and if you are ready, to come along with him on a bit of a journey to make some changes to your own life too.